
Android Vision vs Camera2 API 人臉辨識比較

關於人臉辨識的兩個API比較表 Camera2 Android vision Capture face ü ü Eyes, mouth position ü ü Eyes open, mouth open ü Currency ü Better Efficiency ü Better Expansibility ü Better OS Android 5.0 ↑ (API 21) Android 2.3 ↑ Need download data first time ü (10s) Device support Custom Android box 千尋盒子 Face detection with Camera2 û û Face detection with Vision û ü Capture image and upload every 10 seconds. ü ü


1. Can I remove a fragment defined in a layout.xml file? 可以在程式裡,移除寫在layout裡的fragment嗎? 答案是不行,就算要hide起來也是不行。 程式會自動幫你keep住layout裡的fragment,想移都移不掉。 建議如果會要用到比較彈性的作法,可以直接在code裡面動態加fragment。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8903874/can-i-remove-a-fragment-defined-in-a-layout-xml-file Solution https://xnfood.com.tw/fragment02/

Database system opencourse (資料庫系統 開放式課程) 整理

英文版本推薦 史丹佛 教學課程 https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/Engineering/db/2014_1/ Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ZAemhQUQuNqW3c9Jkw8ug 中文版版本推薦 南台科大 教學課程 http://ocw.stust.edu.tw/tc/node/database_011 給需要學Database的人 Thanks.

在Windows 10中 執行 Native Linux

前幾周剛好有看到這方面的資訊,於是來試試開啟這強大的功能 Windows 10’s Anniversary Update  為了開發者提供了一個新功能,Ubuntu的 bash shell可以直接在Windows裡跑Linux. 1. 先開啟Developer mode. 2. 在控制台裡下載Windows Subsystem for Linux. 3. 此時他會顯示到Windows市集下載Ubuntu Linux,下載完後,輸入Bash,即會引導你開始安裝Linux,安裝後輸入使用者帳密,即可以開始使用Bash. 可輸入lsb_release 檢查Ubuntu的版本 Reference : https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/

Add to home 功能實作簡介

How could I create a shortcut on desktop in iOS through an app 參考資料: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7577889/how-could-i-create-a-shortcut-on-desktop-in-ios-through-an-app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28042152/link-to-safari-add-to-home-screen-from-inside-app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25829878/routing-http-server-iphone http://bibibi.me/AppWebClip/ https://github.com/mattstevens/RoutingHTTPServer What you search for has been covered here a lot of times: Create Shortcut on ios programmatically How could I create a shortcut on desktop in iOS through an app iPhone SDK - Add a “Add to Home Screen” button in a UIWebView Link to Safari “Add to Home Screen” from inside app? Main Flow. To construct http server and redirect to the page. 1. Integrate RoutingHTTPServer. https://github.com/mattstevens/RoutingHTTPServer Must also have a. CocoaHTTPServer b. CocoaAsyncSocket c. CocoaLumberjack 2. Start initial server in code. ...

簡單刷 Nexus 7到各個版本介紹

今日剛好在研究如何刷Nexus 7到Android 4.4.2,於是來整理一下 Image 下載網址 https://developers.google.com/android/images 參考資料 https://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=565&t=4294692 理論先將Device開啟 Developer mode. 並且command line有設好 adb路徑 在cmdline中 打 1. adb reboot bootloader 2. cd     Image 解壓縮後的資料夾 3. flash-all.bat 大概就可以完成刷機了 途中若是在某個項目(ex:"erasing system")卡太久,請多按幾下enter讓他繼續跑